Sentence Completion – 220 quiz

1. Unlike many plants the edible part in a pine cone is it ______
(1) seeds (2) shards (3) crumbs (4) bears
2. Becoming a professional baseball player require years of ____.
(1) blaming (2) homing (3) training (4) planning
3. The Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was _____ on November 4. 1995.
(1) assassinated (2) died (3) passed away (4) prosecuted
4. Psychologists believe that children whose parents work late tend to develop ____ issues.
(1) vivacity (2) privacy (3) substance (4) force
5. The White House ____ of staff passed away.
(1) chief (2) elated (3) ghostly (4) rude
6. Maintaining the body heat of premature babies is ____.
(1) false (2) essential (3) slender (4) lustful
7. Last week all of the farmers went _____.
(1) on strike (2) at ease (3) in place (4) up the alley
8. _____ share 98% of their genes with human beings.
(1) monks (2) weeds (3) mammals (4) apes
9. It is popular to make _____ comments while watching a comedy movie.
(1) flimsy (2) phlegmatic (3) suspicious (4) witty
10. Evidence to _____ of dinosaurs are found world wide.
(1) monastery (2) compensation (3) instruction (4) existence
11. Researchers discovered that vitamin B improve memory ____.
(1) verification (2) mortification (3) abbreviation (4) consolidation
12. In Thailand 300 thousand people suffer head _____ caused by coconut every year.
(1) annoyance (2) cavities (3) injury (4) heaps
13. Mr. Smith was given ____ to import Cuban cigars.
(1) trail (2) right (3) favor (4) crown
14. Parents who ___ their children once are likely to do so again.
(1) abandoned (2) liberated (3) refused (4) dined
15. The Gypsies are described in books as ____ that travel with wagons from town to town.
(1) carpenters (2) explorers (3) nomads (4) pupils
16. The pyramids in Egypt are massive ___ built for the pharaohs.
(1) cliff (2) arch (3) tomb (4) valley
17. ____ editions of "Alice in wonderland" are sold at over 2 million dollars.
(1) gullible (2) attendant (3) illustrated (4) bland
18. France ____70 million dollars worth of oil from Saudi Arabia.
(1) imports (2) wastes (3) hoards (4) pulls
19. The _____ of your enemy's power is crucial in the battlefield.
(1) assessment (2) pluralism (3) arrangement (4) defiance
20. _____ study is a mandatory class in high schools.
(1) Palatable (2) Social (3) Juvenile (4) Marine

21. Many women apply mascara to achieve long _____.
(1) basins (2) gadgets (3) drawers (4) lashes
22. In some country an abortion is no longer a _____ procedure.
(1) convalescent (2) ambulatory (3) fragmentary (4) fathomless
23. Joseph Heller is one of the most influential American _____.
(1) stretches (2) essays (3) gurneys (4) authors
24. Yair Lapid's weekly ____ is the most read section in the weekend paper.
(1) column (2) triangle (3) horizon (4) axis
25. in the Greek ____ Zeus is the father of the gods.
(1) myth (2) rumor (3) floor (4) party
27. The _____ between the forces of good and evil is an idea described in many books and movies.
(1) ejection (2) orderly (3) imbalance (4) unhappiness

28. The ______ of the Nile are in central Africa.
(1) crags (2) origins (3) devices (4) missiles
29. Athletes run an increased _____ of knee and back injuries.
(1) fate (2) luck (3) bait (4) risk
30. Salvador Dali ______ landscape in a surreal way.
(1) exported (2) depicted (3) interrogated (4) served
31. ____ species of animal are bred in captivity.
(1) familiar (2) endangered (3) precise (4) critical
32. Every soldier was ____ to the country and to the IDF.
(1) bargained (2) pledged (3) submitted (4) differed
33. In every big sea side town there's a wide _____.
(1) mansion (2) palace (3) promenade (4) lakeside
34. Math studies is ____ based on practice,
(1) fruitlessly (2) dryly (3) freely (4) greatly
35. Israel's main natural ______ include phosphates.
(1) treasures (2) bundles (3) mints (4) bombs
36. The human body goes through _____ changes during adolescence.
(1) crooked (2) major (3) wicked (4) confident
37. International media render some ____ differences archaic.
(1) mortal (2) regional (3) anatomic (4) corporal
38. A migraine can cause serious uneasiness and _____.
(1) glory (2) ostentation (3) inconvenience (4) combat
39. There are no _____ way to solve the disagreement between India and Pakistan.
(1) obscure (2) positional (3) unilateral (4) somber
40. The risk of _____ a child prematurely is grater for mothers that are first born children.
(1) glaring (2) blaring (3) bearing (4) gearing
41. The people of France protested in _____ of the regime.
(1) requirement (2) bewilderment (3) resentment (4) entertainment
42. The ______ of panda bears is a main concern in China.
(1) breeding (2) gilding (3) devouring (4) harboring
43. Most types of _____ are not toxic to large animals.
(1) homicide (2) regicide (3) patricide (4) insecticide
44. _____ health centers are becoming more and more popular.
(1) Parental (2) Provocative (3) Inconceivable (4) Postmortem
45. Children in poor countries do not have _____ nourishment, which causes illness.
(1) proper (2) heroic (3) civic (4) martial
46. Cheetahs are able ______ at 155 km for hour for 400 meters.
(1) avoiding (2) barking (3) shunning (4) racing
47. The ____ of lung diseases are higher in industrial cities.
(1) rates (2) gems (3) dunes (4) panes
48. People with diverse ____ can be assisted be trained dogs.
(1) appearances (2) handicaps (3) components (4) agencies
49. The Arabic language has many _____ that evolved in different places.
(1) speeches (2) dialects (3) idioms (4) conversations
50. Alfred Dreyfus was falsely ______ of treason by a military court.
(1) engraved (2) permitted (3) accused (4) deported
51. An _____ of the avian flu in Japan on 1997 infected 18 people and killed 6 .
(1) overload (2) outbreak (3) intermission (4) interlude
52. Western countries increased their gas ____ by 25% in the last decade.
(1) releases (2) fractions (3) symptoms (4) anthologies
53. _____ between countries require trust and joint goals.
(1) Harvests (2) Allegories (3) Negotiations (4) Variances
54. Credit cards ____ can be used to track down criminal given a court order.
(1) films (2) deputies (3) receipts (4) themes
55. In India there is a strict ____ system.
(1) bourgeois (2) strata (3) caste (4) financial
56. Honda is _____ to raise the sales in the American auto market.
(1) traveling (2) speeding (3) healing (4) struggling
57. The vegetarian baby porridge has been taken down from the ______ due to allergic reaction.
(1) entrance (2) stages (3) ceilings (4) shelves
58. People have been _____ at the Empire State building since 1930, even though it is no longer the highest building in the world.
(1) gazing (2) strolling (3) skimming (4) magnifying
59. The Israeli national _____ lyrics were written by Naphtali Herz Imber.
(1) code (2) dominion (3) membrane (4) anthem
60. Many wealthy people own a _____ near a ski site.
(1) girdle (2) soul (3) well (4) cabin
61. Live news provides the viewer with extensive _____ of the latest events.
(1) massacre (2) coverage (3) fraternity (4) solitude
62. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is a famous book telling the _____ story of an African slave.
(1) diminutive (2) compelling (3) nutritious (4) cheerful
63. The latest MP3 players allows the user to ____ them directly into the computer.
(1) pierce (2) penetrate (3) plug (4) perforate
64. The value of a certain country _____ is set comparing the Euro's value.
(1) prudence (2) diligence (3) sympathy (4) currency
65. Britain ____ system has existed since the 18th century.
(1) hibernation (2) duration (3) sanitation (4) starvation
66. The _____ of prisoners in 3rd world countries is being discussed in the UN general assembly.
(1) pilfering (2) proposition (3) predicament (4) pilgrimage
67. It is ____ how much data the human brain can contain.
(1) chronic (2) disgusting (3) ignorant (4) amazing
68. 3 out of 10 African children do not make it _____ childhood.
(1) through (2) nevertheless (3) altogether (4) additionally
69. Webster _____ his dictionary after a lifetime of work.
(1) confined (2) Abolished (3) accomplished (4) completed
70. Some places in Russia are so ____ a person can only reach them by private jet.
(1) hefty (2) muscular (3) isolated (4) inferior
71. _____ are widely thought to be cute, but some of them are dangerous.
(1) furry (2) sandy (3) blatant (4) monstrous
72. Films with low profit forecast are _____ at fewer cinemas the high profit ones.
(1) issued (2) printed (3) screened (4) supervised
73. A ____ amount of money is spent every year on chewing gum.
(1) deft (2) considerable (3) undiluted (4) judgmental
74. The natural _____ of the goldfish is cold, sweet water.
(1) habitat (2) bolt (3) flask (4) meteor
75. The foundation _____ fired the general director due to the fact he misused the foundation funds.
(1) agents (2) surrogates (3) trustees (4) disciples
76. Many technical guide books are sexually ______, referring only to man.
(1) faulty (2) biased (3) culpable (4) corrupt
77. A _____ lifestyle requires a lot of funds.
(1) astute (2) lavish (3) shrewd (4) farcical
78. People who are _____with certain object or behavior could suffer from a mental illness.
(1) spooky (2) solid (3) merciful (4) obsessed
79. Many people hesitate before moving to an _____ home thinking the will lose their independence.
(1) cattle (2) elderly (3) dressers (4) mugs
80. Israel has four main hot____ locations.
(1) springs (2) rooks (3) branches (4) peaks
81. Grand ____ auto is a felony punishable up to 12 years in prison.
(1) preaching (2) gain (3) theft (4) summary
82. Halley _____ can be seen from earth only once in a 76 years.
(1) bay (2) shore (3) comet (4) globe
83. Daily _____ of fast food companies sued them because they suffer from obesity.
(1) consumers (2) designers (3) creators (4) realtors
84. Soldiers in special units are trained to _____ and destroy.
(1) fit (2) beat (3) quit (4) seek
85. Raw, unpolished _____ create more friction.
(1) surfaces (2) couches (3) racks (4) cans
86. Jane Goodall's work at the chimpanzee _____ in Tanzania contributed greatly to science.
(1) arena (2) refuge (3) rink (4) bank
87. The prisoner _____ that his sentence is too severe considering his minor crime.
(1) grinned (2) blabbed (3) mopped (4) asserted
88. After the Mayor resigned an ______ mayor was elected.
(1) recess (2) interim (3) mediocre (4) moderate
89. The main music _____ on TV is MTV.
(1) channel (2) method (3) distance (4) touch
90. The most ______ branch of Zara is in Madrid, Spain.
(1) marvelous (2) profitable (3) delicious (4) tremendous
91. _______ recent studies, the divorce rate in Israel is rising.
(1) During (2) Even Though (3) According to (4) In contrast
92. ______ toys are important to a baby's development.
(1) stimulatory (2) groggy (3) absent (4) deserted
93. The prosecution ordered the police to _____ any further investigation in the murder case.
(1) halt (2) exalt (3) vault (4) molt
94. The ______ of the ancient Maya's can be found to this very day in South America.
(1) guards (2) sultans (3) factors (4) decedents
95. The eggs people regularly consume are _____ eggs.
(1) unsuitable (2) unfinished (3) unfertilized (4) unnatural
96. The protestors _____ tires and confronted the police.
(1) hastened (2) torched (3) propelled (4) lugged
97. The _____ goal in Buddhism is to reach nirvana, a state of inner peace.
(1) castrated (2) ultimate (3) serene (4) phrasal
98. New Yew is a _____ all day long and all year round.
(1) teeming (2) breezing (3) courting (4) noting
99. India is a ______ sometimes named a sub-continent.
(1) puddle (2) peninsula (3) ocean (4) nebula
100. A salesman has to _____ his costumers that they need what he is selling.
(1) develop (2) persuade (3) wish (4) advocate
101. The state of Israel exists for almost six _____.
(1) years (2) weeks (3) millennia (4) decades
102. Urine samples can be used to _____ diabetes.
(1) suspect (2) detect (3) respect (4) prospect
103. Bee hives are made from hexagonal ______.
(1) chambers (2) friction (3) translations (4) bungalows
104. Businesses that were ___ by the government were sold to private investors.
(1) belonged (2) robbed (3) seen (4) run
105. HIV virus has an ever growing number of _____, making a vaccine useless after a short time.
(1) miscarriages (2) mutation (3) orientations (4) grievances
106. _____ an enemy army is a known combat drill.
(1) Suing (2) Flanking (3) Praising Drying
107. The Nazi Party attempted a _____ in 1923.
(1) coup (2) soup (3) troupe (4) rope
108. Today, _____ fabrics is a simple procedure and can be made at home.
(1) grilling (2) lobbying (3) dyeing (4) hauling
109. The _____ of learning to speak is very long and complex.
(1) process (2) cater (3) barter (4) molest
110. One _____of Judaism is that god made man in his image.
(1) pollen (2) cable (3) premise (4) blemish
111. ____ phones are a recent invention, but it changed life instantly.
(1) Statutory (2) Mobile (3) Fanciful (4) Glossy
112. Grizzly bears ______attack travelers.
(1) casually (2) quietly (3) proudly (4) rarely
113. Nowadays video cassettes are considered a _____ form of data storage.
(1) filthy (2) vulgar (3) dated (4) rainy
114. Antibiotics ______ a main part in curing diseases, although alternatives were discovered.
(1) remain (2) discharge (3) spur (4) include
115. Polluting factories has an irreversible ____ on their environment.
(1) radius (2) punishment (3) impact (4) strength
116. The rapid ____ of urban territories are causing damage the cattle's grazing areas.
(1) devastation (2) rumination (3) expansion (4) elevation
117. The doctors ____ the patients but he is still in a critical condition.
(1) globalized (2) stabilized (3) emphasized (4) criticized
118. Many people are _____ from small towns to large cities looking for work and better conditions.
(1) migrating (2) vacating (3) appearing (4) borrowing
119. The law banning smoking in pubs ____ violence in the streets.
(1) impeded (2) ignited (3) notarized (4) disdained
120. Several groups ____ and preformed in a charity concert.
(1) collaborated (2) vocalized (3) prophesized (4) marched
121. ______ a large warning label on every cigarette pack is obliged by law.
(1) Deluding (2) Covering (3) Attaching (4) Frying
122. Halle Berry was the first African-American to win the best _____ Oscar award.
(1) impersonator (2) actress (3) sculptor (4) trainer
123. The ______ number of undiagnosed cancer patients in the USA is 100 thousand.
(1) approached (2) estimated (3) accompanied (4) commanded
124. _____ is a subject generally taught in conservatoriums and music academies.
(1) Prediction (2) Composition (3) Fabrication (4) Meditation
125. Physicists discovered that atoms are not the smallest _______.
(1) particles (2) commentaries (3) paragraphs (4) battlefields
126. When a baby is _____ in the water he will naturally swim.
(1) omitted (2) withdrawn (3) furnished (4) placed
127. A Television set became a mandatory _____ in every home.
(1) puppet (2) delegate (3) item (4) hatchet
128. The papers _____ discussed the president's upcoming trial.
(1) headlines (2) darts (3) vapors (4) portals
129. In Hebrew, little ____ are used to instruct the reader how to pronounce the words.
(1) tots (2) cots (3) dots (4) pots
130. In folklore the ____ is the deliverer of babies.
(1) rhinoceros (2) stork (3) moose (4) lizard
131. Magicians create an _____ which make the viewers think they saw somebody.
(1) illusion (2) emulsion (3) potion (4) lotion
132. Because of the tsunami, _____ in the Indian Ocean stirred and cause mass death of fish.
(1) cereals (2) sediments (3) tissues (4) nutshells
133. Consuming alcohol can cause a transplanted organ to be ____.
(1) escaped (2) delivered (3) proceeded (4) rejected
134. In ancient times people noticed that the ____ are periodical.
(1) duration (2) distance (3) extensions (4) seasons
135. The court can ___ people accused in crimes committed in the country.
(1) state (2) cure (3) lie (4) try
136. In a free market there is ____ without limitations.
(1) amendment (2) liturgy (3) dispute (4) competition
137. The crowds are waiting to the concert in great _____.
(1) occurrence (2) precincts (3) anticipation (4) version
138. Hunting wildlife is _____ in many countries.
(1) unregistered (2) outlawed (3) disavowed (4) outsmarted
139. Heat and moister are ______ to be the main cause to the malaria epidemic in china.
(1) implicated (2) grafted (3) craved (4) approved
140. Rose ___ during the summer, and bloom in the spring.
(1) swing (2) cultivate (3) wave wilt
141. The many casualties were ____ to the fact that they didn't wear seatbelts.
(1) engraved (2) poked (3) attributed (4) nudged
142. The continuous ______ of the sea causes grave danger to sharks and whales.
(1) contamination (2) consumption (3) corrosion (4) completion
143. Importers ___ goods abroad and sell them in the country.
(1) attend (2) procure (3) drain (4) accord
144. A ____ elephant can weigh as much as 3 tons.
(1) skimpy (2) entire (3) integral mature
145. Excessive sports can ____ cause damage to muscle tissue.
(1) eventually (2) initially (3) gladly (4) appropriately
146. When two different cultures _____ it usually end up in war.
(1) cooperates (2) collapses (3) commits (4) collides
147. Mount Everest _____ above any other mountain on the plant.
(1) opposes (2) swells (3) complains (4) towers
148. Uri Geller became famous ____ thanks to his telepathy skills.
(1) solely (2) undoubtedly (3) gladly (4) seriously
149. The book was _____ many times before he was published.
(1) referred (2) consigned (3) drafted (4) transcribed
150. _____ snakes is a common entertainment in India and Thailand.
(1) Enchanting (2)Captivated (3) Buried (4) Declared
151. The new solar power station ___ enough energy for a small city.
(1) generates (2) appease (3) disclose (4) outburst
152. Sailors believe that when the sea god ____ his debt he must be given offerings.
(1) stabs (2) digs (3) claims (4) mines
153. ______ of plastic releases toxic gas which create an awful smell.
(1) Taming (2) Verification (3) Combustion (4) Framing
154. Japan is known of her citizen's ____.
(1) validity (2) cavity (3) longevity (4) brevity
155. Exposure to the sun is dangerous. ______ it is important part in producing vitamin D.
(1) therefore (2) nevertheless (3) moreover (4) then
156. Scientist discovered a new substance. _____ the use of plastic stopped entirely.
(1) subsequently (2) correspondingly (3) entirely (4) accordingly
157. The _____ adventures can motivate people to do unexpected things.
(1) promotion of (2) fight against (3) search for Passage after
158. The Russian Prime Minister ___ the US to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Iraq.
(1) relied (2) reacted (3) linked (4) urged
159. _____ centers were built for the people evacuated from the area were the earthquake caused damage.
(1) Rebellion (2) Reflection (3) Regression (4) Relocation
160. Agricultural ____ is the main part of the Israeli export.
(1) influx (2) output (3) blowup (4) downturn
161. The ____ in the company's profit led to the firing of 300 employees.
(1) decline (2) mastery (3) modesty (4) delusion
162. Foreign exchange rate of many ____ has increased in the last month.
(1) boundaries (2) districts (3) divisions (4) currencies
163. The latest trend in interior design is ____ furnishing.
(1) window (2) vintage (3) veteran (4) vault
164. Sugar _____ is a crucial process in distillation of alcohol.
(1) hallucination (2) fermentation (3) edition (4) expiration
165. The inheritance was _____ equally between the deceased siblings.
(1) provoked (2) distributed (3) conducted (4) yielded
166. A giraffe can ____ as much as 6 meters.
(1) prop (2) post (3) measure (4) cherish
167. Stress and dehydration can cause _______.
(1) moaning (2) fainting (3) clapping (4) buzzing
168. A new age _____ when Martin Luther King spoke at Washington about his dream of justice and civil rights.
(1) dimmed (2) shattered (3) replied (4) peaked
169. The world court in Hag _____ the international law since 1945.
(1) groan (2) motivate (3) bulge (4) enforce
170. Same sex marriage in rousing a ____ around the world.
(1) intonation (2) greeting (3) blackmail (4) controversy
171. The _____ part of a balanced diet is fruit and vegetables.
(1) noun (2) bulk (3) amount (4) junction
172. _____ illnesses are more common since people live longer.
(1) adulthood (2) decades (3) ages (4) parenthood
173. The Vikings used to ____ other areas and occupy them.
(1) dismiss (2) interrupt (3) invade (4) expand
174. Fermat's last theorem ____ mathematicians for over 1300 years.
(1) puzzled (2) hoarded (3) appreciated (4) spaced
175. Not many nations will ____ to the Israeli point of view regarding the battles in Lebanon.
(1) recline (2) loll (3) subscribe (4) inflect
176. The Danube has many _____ creating the second longest river in Europe.
(1) modulations (2) tributaries (3) orbits (4) buns
177. _____ the Bedouins greet their guests with 3 cups of tea and one bitter cup of coffee.
(1) Traditionally (2) candidly (3) extremely (4) stylishly
178. ____ in eggs and meat caused the government to ration them.
(1) shortages (2) link (3) brooch (4) mercy
179. 16% of the population are____ people, most of them are women.
(1) silent (2) illiterate (3) public (4) inexact
180. In the past fishing ____ were made from wood.
(1) poles (2) looms (3) socks (4) wands
181. People are ____ by art in all its forms from paintings to music.
(1) aspired (2) inspired (3) conspired (4) perspired
182. The Crow ____ it's part of the carcass and flew away.
(1) cited (2) sized (3) seized (4) ceased
183. Today it is very easy to _____  a computer application.
(1) fasten (2) install (3) assign (4) curse
184. Proper _____ can help prevent illnesses and ensure fast healing.
(1) nourishment (2) brine (3) suppression (4) tumors
185. ______ on drugs are important in order to avoid allergic responses.
(1) Cartons (2) Spots Labels (4) Consumers
186. Parents who spend plenty of time with their children are more ____ to their needs.
(1) groomed (2) famished (3) brained (4) attuned
187. Special coins were ____ to mark the 50th independence day of Israel.
(1) stung (2) minted (3) occluded (4) converged
188. Food poisoning wrecked the ______ pleasurable cruise.
(1) instead (2) otherwise (3) else (4) oftentimes
189. The goal does not necessarily sanctify the ____.
(1) means (2) equipment (3) prohibition (4) trails
190. In many cities the poverty ____ neighborhoods are close to industrial areas.
(1) reshaped (2) founded (3) struck (4) entitled
191. Antennas _____ signals that can be picked by the radio and then be translated to sound.
(1) deceive (2) portray (3) transmit (4) divulge
192. The inflation in the last 3 years has been ____ rising.
(1) flawlessly (2) boorishly (3) meagerly (steadily
193. ______ can get worst momentarily because the speaker is embarrassed.
(1) Stuttering Gaming Shivering Computing
194. Staying around asbestos is _____ and can cause cancer.
(1) trustworthy (2) innocent (3) majestic (4) hazardous
195. Many actors _____ the death of the famous director Robert Altman.
(1) cheated (2) urged (3) constrained (4) lamented
196. The most praised _______ in doubtless Alexander the great.
(1) stump (2) butterfly (3) syringe (4) monarch
197. In many Moslem countries ____ education is not allowed.
(1) secular (2) ambiguous (3) tardy (4) animated
198. Few _____ of untouched forest still remain in the rain forests in Brazil.
(1) enclaves (2) dungeons (3) kayaks (4) rockets
199. Loss of hearing can be caused by ____ loud noise.
(1) gloomy (2) clever (3) earnest (4) constant
200. The ____ of honey are wax, propolis and bee sting.
(1) interactions (2) probabilities (3) revivals (4) byproducts
201. Masada was the _____ of the Roman Empire resistance force.
(1) skyscraper (2) lighthouse (3) stronghold (4) broadband
202. Personal assistants run errands and _____ whatever their boss desires.
(1) fade (2) sink (3) fetch (4) rouse
203. The eucalyptus tree ___ to the ground by his roots that can grow as long as 30 meters.
(1) anchors (2) provokes (3) obstruct (4) inflates
204. The victim said in her testimony that the rapist's face is still ____ her.
(1) lynching (2) addicting (3) haunting (4) wrapping
205. People who believe in _____ tend to blame themselves for failures.
(1) duplication (2) jubilation (3) superstition (4) derivation
206. Many people believe the front ____ is important the overall appearance of the house.
(1) drainage (2) brochure (3) lawn (4) cadence
207. In medicine school there are about 200 ____ for every seat.
(1) obstacles (2) applicants (3) magistrates (4) drills
208. Recently more young teachers leave schools and start working on demand at _______.
(1) ranks (2) trowels (3) mentors (4) residences
209. During night time even the slightest noise can be quite a ______.
(1) nuisance (2) detriment (3) billboard (4) pendulum
210. The Persian carpets are ______ in quality and colorfulness.
(1) aimless (2) hideous (3) unmatched (4) uncivilized
211. All of the youth organizations _____ forces and marched as a protest against the cutbacks in the budget.
(1) joined (2) strung (3) stared (4) geared
212. Some spices have _____ taste and therefore should be used carefully.
(1) gross (2) acute (3) vain (4) chilly
213. Gigantic swarms of termites _____ through Africa every summer.
(1) earns (2) lingers (3) loans (4) sweeps
214. Marriages within the close family are ____ in a lot of countries because it causes children to be born defected.
(1) brooded (2) banned (3) whined (4) varied
215. Some fruits can only be ____ from far places where they are grown.
(1) jinxed (2) launched (3) obtained (4) hijacked
216. Fish breed by _____, they lay big amounts of eggs.
(1) spawning (2) barring (3) praying (4) mopping
217. The will to ___ is very strong in marathon runners.
(1) contribute (2) beat (3) persist (4) stage
218. The American Indians used lands and food _____ with glass that the new settlers brought them.
(1) disproportionately (2) interchangeably (3) unrealistically (4) asymmetrically
219. ______ of time and space are discussed thoroughly in many science fiction novels.
(1) Implantations (2) Contractions (3) Perceptions (4) Intonations
220. _____ takes place in fall so the seeds will benefit from the winter's rain.
(1) Dragging (2) Sowing (3) Fraying (4) Picking